Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

Common questions and challenges at Perimenopause, Menopause, and Post Menopause

In the broadest terms, how does/can menopause affect my health? In the lead-up to menopause (referred to as the perimenopause) levels of oestrogen gradually begin to decline. Lower levels of oestrogen and progesterone raise your risk for certain health problems after menopause. Common symptoms can be broadly classified as public and private. For example, public

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Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

Understanding the Unseen Risks: Menopause and Heart Health

There is something that happens to women entering their late 40s and early 50s that they can’t see or feel and may not even know about: Their cardiovascular disease risks are rising. Why does the Risk Multiply During Menopause? Menopausal women produce less oestrogen. As oestrogen levels drop, the cardiovascular system faces multiple challenges. They

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Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

Menopause and Mood

This month we speak to Andrew Petrou, a practising Osteopath and registered Dietary Counsellor based in London. Andrew has over 10 years of experience working in the health and fitness industry. Women enter menopause after going 12 months without getting their period. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause where many start to

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Older female waring a robe and towel on her head. Touching her cheek with her hands as if apply a skincare product>
Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

How to care for your skin during menopause

This month we speak to Andrew Petrou, skincare expert, practising Osteopath and registered Dietary Counsellor based in London. Andrew has over 10 years of experience working in the health and fitness industry. This month he shares some expert advice on how to care for your skin during menopause. Have you noticed a change in your

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Bowl of plant-based food
Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

Diet, Exercise and Mental Health during menopause

This month we speak to Andrew Petrou, a practising Osteopath and registered Dietary Counsellor based in London. Andrew has over 10 years of experience working in the health and fitness industry, this month he shares some expert advice and understanding of the importance of diet, exercise, and mental health, during menopause. Diet A high-fat, low-fiber

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Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

Menopause and Osteoporosis

This month we speak to Andrew Petrou, a practising Osteopath and registered Dietary Counsellor based in London who has over 10 years of experience working in the health and fitness industry. With May being National Osteoporosis Month, Andrew is sharing some expert advice and understanding of osteoporosis, a common effect of the menopause. Osteoporosis is

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Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

Heart health during the menopause

This month we speak to Andrew Petrou, a practising Osteopath and registered Dietary Counsellor based in London. Andrew has over 10 years of experience working in the health and fitness industry, this month he shares some expert advice and understanding of the importance of heart health, especially during the menopause. The risk of heart disease

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Expert Advice Blog March 2019
Expert Advice Blog
Andrew Petrou

Skincare during the Menopause

Andrew Petrou is our skincare expert guest blogger this month. Andrew has over 10 years of experience in the beauty, health and fitness industry having worked all over the world with brands such as Skin Doctors, Clinique and Clarins. Andrew takes a fairly pragmatic and no-nonsense approach to grooming and skin care, advising “If it’s

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