Illustration four strong women
Expert Advice Blog
Katie Day

Stepping into the Enchantress

This month we chat to Katie Day, a Director of RDP International Ltd ( and runs workshops for women on menopause. Traditionally there have been three stages of a woman’s life: the Maiden; the Mother; and the Wise Woman. However, I have shaken that up a bit and created a fourth stage. At 62 I

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PRM MHH June 2021 900X600
Expert Advice Blog
Katie Day

Thriving together at midlife

Thriving together at midlife This month we chat to Katie Day, a Director of RDP International Ltd ( and runs workshops for women on the menopause. What is midlife and when does it occur? The ‘Second Spring’ (as it is known in Asia) and ‘The age of renewal’ (as it has just been officially named

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Expert Advice Blog
Katie Day

‘Managing’ the menopause

Katie Day is a Director of RDP International Ltd and runs workshops for women on the menopause (Menopause Demystified) and for companies on how to support women through this life transition as well as consultancy on workplace best practice. Here Katie shares some hidden truths about the menopause and how much of an impact it

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The power of menopause
Expert Advice Blog
Katie Day

The power of the menopause

Katie Day is a Director of RDP International Ltd ( and runs workshops for women on the menopause (Menopause Demystified) and for companies on how to support women through this life transition as well as consultancy on workplace best practice. You may find yourself reacting to the above title. Menopause and power are rarely two

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