Exercise as Menopause Medicine


This month we speak to Julie Robinson, founder of MenoHealth, a programme that includes education, support and exercise to empower women to take control of their menopause. As a fitness expert and author, Julie helps to motivate the most reluctant of people to keep moving to improve their life through menopause and beyond.

Many women experience menopausal symptoms such as muscle and joint aches and pains, fatigue, hot flushes and sleeplessness. These can deplete our motivation and energy levels. It’s little wonder that around 1/3 of women stop exercising as they approach menopause, yet this is when being physically active is even more important. Finding a way to get moving you can improve these, and many more, symptoms. What you do in these important years can really impact on your health and wellbeing for the rest of your life. Exercise is like medicine for menopause. It can reduce stress, boost your mood, improve your sleep, strengthen your bones and help you to burn more calories.

It has to be fun

All movement is good. So the first thing is to find something you enjoy doing so it’s fun. Whether that’s dancing, cold water swimming, laughter yoga or weightlifting. Find your fun activity and then it won’t be a chore.

Buddy up

Research has found people are far more likely to stick with a new exercise routine, and do it more often, if they have an exercise buddy. It means you are more accountable and less likely to duck out, as you don’t want to let your friend down.

Find the time

However busy you are, just moving for a few minutes regularly throughout the day will add up and make a difference. A ten minute brisk walk, outdoors if possible, is great for your heart, bones and mental health. Even if you just get up and down from your chair as fast as you can for 1 minute in-between zoom calls, or run up and down stairs 10 times, it can make a positive difference.

Change it up

Combine activities that are good for your heart, bones and muscles. Cycling and swimming are fantastic for cardiovascular health, but you need to include an activity which includes ‘impact’ such as skipping or hopping to boost bone density. This is particularly important as 1 in 2 women develop osteoporosis after the age of 50. Yoga is great for strength and flexibility, so try to also include an aerobic activity like tennis, jogging or dancing. Walking is a brilliant way to stay fit and healthy, just remember to include some strengthening exercises to maintain muscle strength which declines rapidly after menopause. Resistance bands are so easy to use, keep one handy at your desk or in the kitchen so you use it every day.

MenoHealth have very kindly offered a discount to Promensil readers, with an exclusive 20% off their online workout. The coupon code is PRO20 and expires on 29th Nov 22. Here’s the link to the workout www.menohealth.co.uk/product/menopause-workout/.