Menopause scares many women – we need to transform the conversation

Supportive environment

This month we share a piece from Heather Jackson. Having founded organisations such as An Inspirational Journey, The Women’s Business Forum and the Balanced Business Forum, Heather has spent decades helping organisations to draw out the best from their talent and enable them to reach their full potential, regardless of gender. Now as co-founder of GenM she recognises that, for the world to reap the experience, networks and skills that women of menopause age can bring, we need to ensure they are fully supported, for their sake and ours.

With over 70 brands onboard as Founding Partners, GenM is fast becoming a voice for the menopause that’s too loud to ignore. They are working to transform attitudes and normalise the conversation, and helping brands to better cater for menopausal customers and employees, ultimately improving the health and happiness of millions with menopause-friendly products, services, signposting, workplace policies and marketing campaigns.

Scotland’s former First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, made headlines last year when she revealed in an interview that she’s nervous about the menopause. On the surface, this needn’t be a news story. After all she’s a woman approaching the age of this natural transition, and admittedly it’s not uncommon for women to be a little nervous about it.

I think it resonated with so many because we’re just not used to hearing female leaders speak about it. In fact, this might be the highest profile person we’ve seen discuss their menopause publicly. Granted, over the last few years, a handful of celebrities like Davina McCall, Penny Lancaster and Lisa Snowdon have shared their experiences going through ‘the change’. But it felt like something different to hear a political leader talk openly about her menopause.

The fact that this feels so shocking is exactly why more women in powerful positions need to do the same. Nicola herself lamented that there weren’t many examples of predecessors that she could take inspiration from. The likes of Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel hadn’t commented publicly on it, so there wasn’t a ‘high-ranking politician menopause blueprint’ to follow.

Of course, that situation is unique  – after all, most people in menopause aren’t also high ranking politicians – but having spent a career helping women in business realise their full potential, I know that feeling nervous and isolated in this life stage is incredibly common, especially in successful leaders.

In a nutshell, women in the workplace, or indeed society, aren’t getting the support they need. The Invisibility Report from GenM – menopause partner for brands such as M&S, Royal Mail and Co-op – reveals that almost all women (88%) wish their workplaces were better equipped to deal with the menopause. It also shows that women who are at the peak of their career when perimenopause and menopause hit feel the most blindsided by it.

In her interview, Nicola mentioned being afraid to experience symptoms at embarrassing times. Having run the gamut of perimenopausal panic attacks whilst running a business through to brain fog in the boardroom, I can fully sympathise. I once found myself red-faced in a meeting, unable to name the chair of the board on which I had served for several years!

But aside from awkward symptoms or a lack of support, worse still is that women don’t even feel able to speak about the menopause. Whether discussing their own experiences or simply the topic as a whole, GenM’s new Opportunity Report shows that half of women won’t mention menopause at work for fear of negative repercussions, while a third find it too embarrassing to discuss with colleagues. Resultantly, three quarters of participants admitted they’d never had even a single conversation about the menopause at work.

Clearly the menopause needs more support, and this includes businesses. Not only is it the right thing to do, it’s also in their best interests. According to a government report, menopausal women are the fastest-growing demographic in the workplace. Looking after them is essential for staff morale, retention, output and ultimately profit.

But the menopause isn’t simply a work issue – it affects every area of life. We launched GenM because it became clear that, alongside legislation and medical progress on the cause, one of the biggest ways to impact the UK’s 15.5 million menopausal women, as well as trans and non-binary people in menopause, is by enabling change with the brands they use every day. This means helping organisations recognise and respond to their needs, improving signposting to products and services, encouraging responsible workplace policies, and promoting accurate and inspiring marketing.

The good news is that we’re seeing progress in this space. Both GenM Founding Partners, Royal Mail last year launched a menopause awareness campaign to educate employees (including 16,500 female staff of menopause age); and Co-op released a menopause training handbook for its managers that’s available to the public for free so leaders at any company can learn how best to support menopausal staff.

This progress is encouraging. But perhaps the most important barrier to address is one we can all play a part in: normalising the conversation around the menopause. After all, it’s only when people feel confident to talk about it that their workplaces, friends and family will be able to understand what they’re going through and offer appropriate support.

Even with all the progress of the last few years, 75% of menopausal women still feel the topic cannot be openly discussed. We need more women in senior roles to share their experiences and lead the way for peers, as well as the next generation. Seeing leaders like Nicola Sturgeon, as well as men in the public eye, doing this fills me with hope for the future.

Let’s work towards a world where women are no longer nervous about the menopause, but instead are equipped, knowing what to expect, how best to manage symptoms and having a support system of  friends, colleagues and family who are aware of how it will affect them.

In fact, hopefully in the not too distant future, a powerful female politician will mention the menopause and it won’t make headlines at all.