
This month we talk to Lorna Ive, Founder of A specialist in Women’s health and wellbeing.

PeriMenoPost began as a result of my training with Digital Mums and of my own personal experience with being diagnosed at the age of 42 with early menopause. I’d previously had a light bulb moment that I wanted to help other women going through the same experience as myself. I wanted to create an online space, for women to have access to the correct information, support and for women to be a part of a community.

PeriMenoPost began during January 2019 and it is now an online community for women to join the tribe and to be informed and to feel empowered. I raised as much awareness and support as possible for women in my local area of West Kent and East Sussex initially, this then grew with my campaign last year and still continues to grow. It can be a very lonely and isolating time if you have no support or have no access to the correct information. I did not want another woman to have to go through the same experience as myself during these stages of menopause.

My campaign #UndoTheMenoTaboo was to start conversations around the word ‘Menopause’ to help to normalise the word, for it to be embraced and most importantly accepted!

PeriMenoPost – Meet Mighty Menos an exclusive private Facebook membership for women to join and be a part of a small private community. One to one access to myself, exclusive content with blogs and podcasts. Menopause experts and virtual meetups between the group and experts. At present meetups are virtual, post-covid I hope to offer events in the format of coffee mornings. You can join today for £5.00 and become a mighty meno!

Menopause Friendly workshops are also offered with my own personal experience, this can be within the workplace or within a group of friends if you would like to find out more email me at

PeriMenoPost Business club offers a service to Menopause brands and services. I can promote your business to a bespoke audience of women at this time of their lives. To find out more, email me

PeriMenoPost Podcasts – I launched the pods on 1st April 2020, they were recorded prior to lockdown and have been a great success. I am halfway through recording Season 2 and it’s all very exciting! I also write regular blogs too on topics concerning the midlife woman, namely myself. I also feature an article called #RealLife60secs. A real life interview with women who want to share their own personal journey of their perimenopause and menopause stories.

Take a look around the website and please do contact me if you would like to record a pod, feature in a blog and to talk to me directly.

PerIMenoPost also offers support across social media:
Instagram @perimenopost
Facebook @Perimenopost
Twitter @PeriMenoPost