Decoding Joint and Muscle Pain in Menopause

What does ‘joint pain or stiffness’ mean to you? It’s a recognised symptom of Menopause, yet many of my clients have just assumed it’s wear, and tear and ‘age’. However, conditions such as Frozen shoulder and Achilles Tendonitis are recognised Menopause symptoms which can develop during the hormonal roller coaster. Inflammatory pain can also flare up and be widespread in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and any connective tissue.

Personal Insights

Pain and inflammation is my teaching bag. As a long-term rehabilitation teacher, I have seen a lot of it. As a long-term mover with back and hip issues since childhood, I also know personally what it means. For many ‘joint and muscle pain’ means knees, hips, and possibly fingers and toes. BUT it can also mean ongoing back pain, foot pain, shoulder pain, neck pain – it’s all inclusive.

The Role of Hormones in Pain and Inflammation

Depleting hormones mean we lose the anti-inflammatory effect they give us. Unfortunately, ‘back pain’ is such a vast term and our desire to find the cause (disc, nerve etc.,) means the possible impact of reduced hormones can go under the radar.

It’s vital to see a healthcare practitioner if you have an ongoing pain, for a diagnosis, but please remember the influence of your hormones too, and ask your practitioner to consider this also. The classic ‘wear and tear’ diagnosis can mean that the degeneration we may have now, becomes more painful.

Managing Pain in Menopause: Movement and Diet
That wear and tear may have been there for years (I know mine has) but you didn’t feel it so much, maybe not at all. NOW you do. How do we manage this new state of being? Whether you choose to use hormone therapy or a natural alternative, regular gentle movement is vital for supporting our system and maintaining our body, as is an anti-inflammatory diet. Creating a nurturing movement practice with nutritious micro movements is a great starting point, and having regular treatments from your manual therapist can also support this process.

About Dinah Siman:

I’m Dinah Siman, Founder of Menopause Pilates.

Menopause is a women’s health issue that has been ignored and dismissed for far too long. We happily talk for hours about puberty, pregnancy and childbirth – why not menopause?

I’m passionate about my mission, my vision, and my passion project. I shout about menopause. I raise the profile on social media and wherever I go. I teach, collaborate with other experts, support and raise funds for The Menopause Charity.

I love my 50s, and I’m planning to move on into my more mature years with real insight into my health, happiness and wellbeing, choosing my lifestyle and embracing the change.