PRM MHH June 2021 580X535

Fighting fatigue during the menopause

Menopause can leave you feeling exhausted and lacking energy. Whether it’s down to poor sleep, stress, anxiety or fluctuations in your hormones or vitamin levels, it can be hard to find the motivation to get up and get on with your day.

Here’s some of our top tips for managing fatigue naturally.

Set yourself up for a good night’s sleep

Sleep is obviously the first step in managing tiredness and fatigue. There’s plenty of lifestyle changes you can make such as avoiding caffeine and screen time close to bedtime which will help you maximise your chance of a decent night’s sleep. For more tips, read our feature ‘Tips to manage sleep disruption during the menopause’.

Stay hydrated

Drinks such as alcohol can dehydrate you which in turn can cause fatigue so try and drink as much water as possible.

Include energy boosting-ingredients in your meals

According to NHS advice, the main recommendations for healthy eating to keep your energy levels up include eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables, base meals on starchy carbohydrates – choosing wholegrain versions where possible, have some dairy, or dairy alternatives such as soya drinks, include protein sources such as beans and pulses and keep hydrated.

It’s also important to start your day off with a healthy breakfast giving you some fuel to start your day.

Try a natural supplement

For those days where you need that extra boost, you could try a plant-based supplement such as Vegan Life Fatigue Fighter capsules. The unique formula includes guarana, ginseng, iron & a vitamin B complex which contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.

You may also want to consider other supplements such as iron or magnesium but it is best to speak to your healthcare professional about this as a simple blood test can pick up vitamin deficiencies.