Let's Talk Menopause

Embracing Summer: Tips for Women Navigating Menopause

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, filled with long days, sunshine, and opportunities for outdoor activities. However, for the women in menopause, the heat and changes in routine can sometimes be challenging. Here are some essential tips to help you enjoy the summer months while managing menopause symptoms effectively. Stay Hydrated Hydration is

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Let's Talk Menopause

5 Exercises for Menopause

Menopause is a significant phase in a woman’s life, bringing various physical and emotional changes. Staying active during this time is crucial, as regular exercise can help manage symptoms such as weight gain, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. Here are 5 exercises to help you during the menopause, which can be complemented by Promensil’s targeted

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Let's Talk Menopause

Benefits of a Plant Based Diet during Menopause

As women journey through menopause, dietary choices can significantly impact their overall well-being. A plant-based diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, is a powerful tool during this transitional phase. It may sound daunting if you’re not used to plant-based meals, but simple changes along the way can help you multifolds, even if

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Let's Talk Menopause

Navigating Heart Health Through Perimenopause & Menopause

Menopause, a natural phase of a woman’s life, is often accompanied by numerous symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, etc., in addition to other health challenges. But did you know heart health is closely connected with a woman’s overall menopausal journey, from peri to post menopause? Oestrogen, the female hormone has a protective

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PRM Blog Images August 2023
Let's Talk Menopause

Hot Flushes? Don’t Sweat!

Hot flushes, a common menopausal symptom, can be particularly unpleasant during the summer months, irrespective of whether it may be mild or severe! However, minor adjustments in diet and lifestyle like avoiding spicy foods, cutting back on caffeine, maintaining optimum levels of good fats (avocados, oily fish etc.), keeping hydrated, practicing self-calming techniques such as

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Keep cool
Let's Talk Menopause

Embrace the Sun and Keep Cool Naturally with Promensil

With warm days of summer upon us, it’s that time of the year when keeping cool can be a bit of a challenge, especially for women experiencing menopausal symptoms. However, here some refreshing lifestyle tips to help you stay cool naturally, but more importantly, be comfortable this summer. Rise and shine: Wake up early to

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Woman holding stomach in discomfort
Let's Talk Menopause

Menopause and Gut Health

The more you research into the menopause, the more you realise how much the decline in oestrogen plays havoc with your body, leading to many of the uncomfortable menopause symptoms we suffer. Did you know though that these fluctuating levels of oestrogen can impact our gut health? Research has suggested that healthy oestrogen levels promote

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Menopause in the workplace
Let's Talk Menopause

Are workplaces doing enough to support menopausal women?

Are workplaces doing enough to support menopausal women? As mentioned in a recent GenM report, menopause support must be more than a managerial tick-box training in the workplace. It is vital that it educates the entire workforce on how best to support women during this time. The report found that 35% of workers said they

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PRM Blog Image Sept 22
Let's Talk Menopause

Top tips to beat the heat

Struggling with the constant rise in temperatures and muggy nights this summer? Us too! Here’s some of our favourite tips to keep you cool and survive these last few weeks of summer. Did you know our feet and ankles have pulse points which makes them sensitive to heat? This is why they’re the perfect place

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Let's Talk Menopause

Supporting your partner during the menopause

All relationships have their ups and downs, but when you add menopause into the mix it can put an extra strain on things. According to the GenM Invisibility Report 93% of women say they would benefit from their partner better understanding what menopausal women experience, so what can you do to help?  We’ve put together

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