Let's Talk Menopause

Menopause support communities in the UK

You’ve heard the saying strength in numbers and it’s no different with the menopause. We speak regularly about needing the support of our friends, family and co-workers but what about the support that comes from those who are in the same stage of life as us? Those women that can laugh with us, cry with

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Let's Talk Menopause

Are you struggling with the latest HRT shortages?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used by many women transitioning through the menopause to replace lower levels of hormones. We’re sure you have all been following the headlines on the current shortages of HRT and many of you may be experiencing the effects of these shortages first-hand. There are around 2.5 million prescriptions of HRT

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Let's Talk Menopause

Menopause Awareness Month – Share Your Story

September is Menopause Awareness Month, an opportunity to educate women about menopause. In the UK, menopause has been a hot topic in 2019.  Lots of wonderful healthcare professionals and celebrities have highlighted the need to talk about it, and for it not to be taboo. For example, therapist, coach and menopause expert Diane Danzebrink 52, has been

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How To Dress For Summer Blog Image
Let's Talk Menopause

How to dress for the Summer during the menopause

We all know the feeling, as well as being hot and bothered, the weight gain around our tummy area can also leave us feeling a little self-conscious and unsure how to dress especially during those summer months. There’s plenty of tricks though to help keep us cool and confident! Preparation is key At least if

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Let's Talk Menopause

Tips to manage sleep disruption during the menopause

For many women the menopause can be exhausting. The physical, mental and hormonal changes during this transition can really take its toll and at a time where rest and sleep is crucial, hot flushes and night sweats can lead to insomnia and sleep disruption. This month we thought we’d share some top tips on helping

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Let's Talk Menopause

How the menopause affects hair and nails

The transition into menopause can bring a range of symptoms both physical and emotional and if the hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings and anxiety weren’t enough for us to be dealing with, menopause can also affect our hair and nails. Here we look at what changes to expect and some confidence-boosting tips so we

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5 things men should know about menopause
Let's Talk Menopause

5 things men should know about menopause

The menopause is known to cause physical, emotional and mental symptoms which can affect everyday life during the transition. As a result of these changes many women feel that the relationships around them are also changing which can be hard to handle on top of everything else. This month we look at some of the

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Anxiety and the menopause
Let's Talk Menopause

Anxiety and the menopause

Did you know that anxiety from the menopause can occur in one in three women? We hear a lot about the physical changes that stem from the menopause, but mental well-being is also affected with some women experiencing feelings of low self-esteem, anxiety, poor concentration and low energy. Part of the reason these changes happen

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Word Cloud Menopause Symptoms
Let's Talk Menopause

34 symptoms of menopause

How much do you really know about the symptoms of menopause? Hot flushes and night sweats are among the more commonly recognised side effects of this midlife hormonal shift, yet there are plenty of other far less familiar related symptoms. Some more life-affecting than others, but because so many women still don’t feel able to

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House of Hormones Blog
Let's Talk Menopause

A quick guide to surviving the House of Hormones

Who just burst into floods of tears? Was it you or her? As if handling your own menopausal hormonal roller-coaster wasn’t enough, along comes puberty to create the perfect storm. With more women now waiting until their mid-30s before they have babies, the two reproductive stages – menopause and puberty – are clashing in many

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