
Tips to manage sleep disruption during the menopause

For many women the menopause can be exhausting. The physical, mental and hormonal changes during this transition can really take its toll and at a time where rest and sleep is crucial, hot flushes and night sweats can lead to insomnia and sleep disruption.

This month we thought we’d share some top tips on helping you manage your sleep – especially with those warmer, muggy nights we have been experiencing lately!

Light exercise in the evening

Try some light exercise in the evening such as yoga or a gentle walk during those Summer evenings. Try not to do anything too strenuous though and finish up at least two hours before going to bed. According to the National Sleep Foundation, exercise triggers an increase in body temperature, and the post-exercise drop in temperature may promote falling asleep. Exercise may also reduce insomnia by decreasing arousal, anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Have a lukewarm bath and relax before bed

As well as your post-exercise temperature, the drop in body temperature after a nice, relaxing bath can also promote a deeper sleep and help you to fall asleep. The NHS also recommend having a lukewarm shower or bath instead of a hot one if you are prone to experiencing hot flushes/night sweats. If you do prefer it hot, make sure you have a bath about an hour before bed to give your body a chance to cool down.

You could also try adding some lavender bath salt or oil to your bath to really encourage that relaxation.

Avoid screen time

It’s a bad habit many of us have picked up – having a quick scroll through social media or your messages before you go to bed. Unfortunately, that quick fix could be affecting your sleep as the blue light omitted by the screen makes us more alert at night, confusing our bodies on when we need sleep.

Set yourself a digital curfew and turn off those screens at least an hour before you go to sleep – you’ll probably find you’re more engaged in talking to your partner before bed too!

Avoid caffeine  

As you may well know, caffeine is a stimulant and it has been said that it can affect you as quickly as 15 minutes after consumption! Avoid having caffeinated drinks close to bedtime and swap them for a calming herbal tea such as chamomile instead.

Go into another room if you can’t get back to sleep

If you’re struggling to get back to sleep after 20 minutes, try doing something quiet such as reading a book and once you begin to feel sleepy go back to bed. If you find your mind is racing with thoughts, keep a notebook and pen on your bedside table so you can write your thoughts down and clear your mind.

Try to cool down

Duvet on, duvet off. Fan on, fan off. It’s a never-ending cycle during those hot flushes and night sweats and it can be hard to cool down especially when you’re getting agitated, and if you’re partner doesn’t exactly welcome the fan on in the middle of winter! Why not give Promensil Cooling Spray a go? The gentle, clinically tested and patented formula draws heat away from the skin, quickly and effectively reducing skin temperature and redness, offering instant relief from the discomfort of hot flushes and night sweats.