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How to dress for the Summer during the menopause

We all know the feeling, as well as being hot and bothered, the weight gain around our tummy area can also leave us feeling a little self-conscious and unsure how to dress especially during those summer months. There’s plenty of tricks though to help keep us cool and confident!

Preparation is key

At least if we are in our own cars, we can control the temperature. Unfortunately, we can’t do that on public transport (those summer days on the tube are not ideal!). Dress accordingly using some of our tips below and think about what you might need with you – a hand fan, Promensil Cooling Spray and a nice cold bottle of water!

Layers are our best friend!

Anything that can be used as a fan or removed will help! Fashion journalist Alyson Walsh says “Fabric is important – go for natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, silk and cashmere, as they absorb moisture from the skin and help air to circulate around the body better. They’ll help you keep your cool during a flush and tend to hold their shape better.”

Try and loosen up

If you’re struggling with a new tummy shape, opt for flowy, looser tops or dresses. It will also keep you cooler than tighter fitting clothes and hopefully help you feel more comfortable.

Choose your accessories wisely

It’s lovely to be able to add a pop of colour to complement an outfit. Try and choose things that won’t make your skin even hotter such as clunky necklaces and opt for statement earrings, belts and bags instead.

Release your inner fashionista!

The most important thing to wear is… your confidence! We’ve all been there, that killer outfit that makes us feel on top of the world. Pick clothes that make you feel your best, the more relaxed you are, the easier it is to keep that anxiety at bay.