Let's Talk Menopause

Beat the bloat

The likelihood is you have experienced bloating before – that tight feeling in your abdominal area. It’s a common symptom of the menopause most commonly associated with peri-menopause. Oestrogen plays an important role in maintaining the accurate amount of water and bile in the body. As these hormone levels fluctuate, the body is known to

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Let's Talk Menopause

Menopause and body odour

Hot, sunny days and hot flushes – if that isn’t enough to cause excessive sweating, there’s the other menopausal symptoms that are added to the mix, making beautiful sunny, summer days feel unbearable. Fluctuating hormones mean that our bodies are impacted by not being able to regulate our body temperature quite so easily which makes

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Let's Talk Menopause

Foods to nourish your body during menopause

Having a diet filled with nutrients is important for keeping those menopausal symptoms at bay. Rather than thinking about all the things to avoid, let’s look at some delicious meals we can enjoy while also taking care of our health. Enjoy a calcium rick breakfast In our feature with expert Andrew Petrou on Menopause and

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Let's Talk Menopause

Dizziness and the menopause

Ever felt faint, like the room is spinning or a loss of balance? Yes, dizziness is another symptom of the menopause. The cause? Fluctuating hormones of course! Changes in our hormone levels during the menopause can affect our circulation and blood pressure which in turn can lead to spells of dizziness or feeling light-headed. If

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Let's Talk Menopause

Supplements to take during the menopause

Nutritional Therapist Emily Fawell wrote a feature for us last year on managing your menopause naturally with supplements and we thought we would share some more of our top picks this month. Collagen As oestrogen hormones decline during the menopause, we may experience changes to our skin such as developing fine lines or dry skin.

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Let's Talk Menopause

Brain fog during the menopause

If you’re suffering from ‘brain fog’ during the menopause, you are not alone.  Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly are common symptoms that many women experience, some worry that it could even be dementia when actually it’s those hormones wreaking havoc again. Oestrogen and testosterone have an important role to play with cognition and

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Let's Talk Menopause

Menopause and irregular bleeding

Irregular periods are a very common symptom during the menopause, usually occurring during the peri-menopause years (the stage leading up to the menopause which may last up to 10 years). Periods are regulated by oestrogen and progesterone and the decreasing levels of these hormones leading up to and during the menopause can throw everything out

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Let's Talk Menopause

Menopause and irregular heartbeat

February is National Heart Month, so this seems like the perfect time to talk about about menopause and irregular heartbeat. The decline in oestrogen during the menopause has a lot to answer for! Sea-sawing hormones, stress, anxiety and hot flushes may all contribute to heart palpitations during the menopause. The British Heart Foundation shares how

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Let's Talk Menopause

Managing menopausal weight gain

Weight gain often occurs during menopause and this can be due to several factors related to menopause, genetics and aging. The hormonal changes during the menopause may cause weight gain around the tummy area and genetically, if your parents or other close relatives carry extra weight around the abdomen, you are likely to do the

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Let's Talk Menopause

Top tips on surviving the festive season

Shopping in overheated stores, decorating until you drop and cooking a feast for the entire family are all enough to stress anyone out, and that’s without throwing the hormonal shift of the menopause into the mix. As tempting as it might be to hide away and curl up on the sofa watching Christmas movies on

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