Foods to nourish your body during menopause

Having a diet filled with nutrients is important for keeping those menopausal symptoms at bay. Rather than thinking about all the things to avoid, let’s look at some delicious meals we can enjoy while also taking care of our health.

Enjoy a calcium rick breakfast

In our feature with expert Andrew Petrou on Menopause and Osteoporosis we talked in detail about the need for calcium in our diets to help with bone health during the menopause. For a quick and easy breakfast filled with goodness, add some chopped organic banana with fat-free Greek yoghurt sprinkled with mixed seeds or nuts. The perfect summer breakfast!

Munch your lunch with Phytoestrogens

We talk a lot about Phytoestrogens here at Promensil. Studies have confirmed that diets rich in Phytoestrogens can help women maintain their health, energy and vitality especially during the time of menopause. It’s been shown that natural isoflavones in some foods can be helpful in maintaining hormonal balance. Include pulses and legumes, such as soya, chickpeas and other beans in your lunch – how about a refreshing mixed bean salad with a lemon and mint vinaigrette dressing?

It’s hard to get the amount of natural isoflavones recommended daily from food alone which is where Promensil supplements can help providing 40-80mg during and after the menopause.

Finish the day with an iron rich dinner

Iron is essential for energy levels and with our bodies working that little bit harder to deal with the fluctuating hormones and menopause symptoms, we could all do with that added boost of energy! In our feature with Registered Nutritional Therapist Emily Fawell, she highlighted that foods high in iron include red meat, kelp, blackstrap molasses, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, dried apricots, nuts, lentils and dates. This super healthy spinach side dish with raisins, breadcrumbs and pine nuts looks amazing!