
Top tips on surviving the festive season

Shopping in overheated stores, decorating until you drop and cooking a feast for the entire family are all enough to stress anyone out, and that’s without throwing the hormonal shift of the menopause into the mix.

As tempting as it might be to hide away and curl up on the sofa watching Christmas movies on repeat, it’s not impossible to survive the Christmas period during the menopause.

Honesty is the best policy

We are forever hearing about the menopause being seen a as a taboo subject and how workplaces need to raise more awareness and provide sufficient support but we must remember this also applies to our home life. Discuss with your family how you are feeling and don’t suffer in silence. See if you can share the meal preps/cooking or entertaining and welcome the help!

Dress to impress… and be comfortable

Some women may suffer from weight gain during the menopause due to the change in hormones and that can be particularly hard to deal with during the festive season when it’s all glam parties and celebrations. But you are still you – beautiful, strong and amazing and don’t forget that.

Find an outfit that makes you feel confident yet comfortable so you can enjoy the day. Focus on an outfit that highlights your best bits instead of worrying about the parts of your body you are not so happy with. And don’t forget to add a sprinkle of sparkle, weather it’s bold sequins or a shimmering accessory, don’t be afraid to shine.

Ice Ice Baby

Everything in moderation as they say. Yes, treat yourself to a tipple of your choice but remember alcohol and caffeine can be triggers for hot flushes and poor sleep so try not to have too much. Drinking one glass of ice-cold water after every glass of alcohol will help keep you hydrated. Or consider alcohol-free alternatives that are similar to your favourite cocktails such as ice-cold sparkling water with fresh lime and mint leaves (instead of a mojito). Don’t forget to also keep your Promensil Cooling Spray within reach as it offers instant relief from the discomfort of hot flushes and draws heat away from the skin, quickly and effectively reducing skin temperature and redness.

‘Me Time’

If it’s all getting a bit too much, don’t be afraid to escape the chaos for a little while. Maybe step outside for a breather and collect your thoughts – the fresh air can help and if you’re feeling anxious, try some breathing techniques to bring back a sense of calmness.