Let's Talk Menopause

Supporting your partner during the menopause

All relationships have their ups and downs, but when you add menopause into the mix it can put an extra strain on things. According to the GenM Invisibility Report 93% of women say they would benefit from their partner better understanding what menopausal women experience, so what can you do to help?  We’ve put together

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menopause smoking
Let's Talk Menopause

How smoking effects menopause

Have you continued smoking during your menopause journey? Smoking effects our hormones, which can lead to early menopause. It can also make menopausal symptoms worse. If you’re smoking and want to quit, read on for our top tips. Smoking and early menopause There have been numerous studies exploring the link between smoking and early menopause.

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Illustration of a woman sat with her head down and a cloud over her head with lightning bolts
Let's Talk Menopause

How to stress less during Menopause

Are you feeling stressed? You aren’t the only one. 74% of UK adults have reported feeling stressed and unable to cope. If you’re already feeling under pressure, fluctuating hormones during menopause can exacerbate these stressful feelings. However, there are steps you can take that can help prevent and treat stress. What is stress? Stress is

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Illustration of a dark haired, medium dark skinned sitting on a pink crescent moon, hugging it. The woman and moon are suspended in the dark sky.
Let's Talk Menopause

Sleep tips during menopause

Are you struggling to sleep? If you can’t fall asleep, lie awake for long periods of the night. Or if you wake up early and can’t get back asleep again, you aren’t the only one. Between menopause anxiety, hot flushes and night sweats it can be difficult to get the sleep you need. The good

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illustration, punk background, woman sitting on the floor with pot plants around her, holding onto a tingling foot
Let's Talk Menopause

Tingling sensation during menopause

Have you experienced tingling during your menopause journey? Tingling sensation is one of the cardiac effects. This symptom is caused by hormone fluctuations impacting the central nervous system. Although not considered one of the main symptoms, it’s still uncomfortable. If you are experiencing this symptom regularly there are some steps you can take to deal

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Illustration of a woman holding a pink heart above her head
Let's Talk Menopause

Changes in Libido during menopause

Has your sexual desire changed? Menopause affects women differently with some experiencing an increased sex drive and others a decreased libido. The decline in oestrogen and progesterone hormones can make it harder for women to feel aroused and vaginal dryness can make sex uncomfortable. If you want to stay intimate with your partner read on

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Illustration of an older woman with a fictional/abstract depiction of panic tied to her foot
Let's Talk Menopause

Panic disorder during menopause

Have you suffered from panic disorders during your menopause journey? Panic disorders are characterised by persistent panic attacks and include both physical and mental symptoms such as: shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, being unable to relax etc. Panic disorders can arise or worsen during menopause due to the decline of ovarian hormone levels. This symptom

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Illustration of mood swings
Let's Talk Menopause

Mood swings during menopause

Are you suffering from mood swings or a low mood? Changes to your mood are common during menopause, due to the shift in oestrogen levels. This can make you feel like you’re in a constant state of PMS. If this common symptom is bothering you, read on for tips on how to deal with it

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Let's Talk Menopause

Irritability during menopause

Feeling antsy or fretful? Hormone changes during menopause and the side effects you might be experiencing can cause irritability, mood swings, anxiety and depression. In fact, 70% of menopausal women cited irritability as their most common symptom (Healthline 2018). We’ve rounded up some top tips to help you manage it naturally. Stay connected  Having a

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Illustration of women holding her mouth in pain
Let's Talk Menopause

Gum problems during menopause

Gum problems is one of the many symptoms that can affect women going through menopause. Change in hormones can cause women’s mouths to become very dry. Gums are also more susceptible to plaque, which can lead to infections. This side effect can be very uncomfortable for women, but there are some natural ways it can

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